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Pūhiko Nukutū
A green hydrogen geostorage battery in Aotearoa New Zealand

Aotearoa New Zealand hydrogen logo

Helping to pave the way for underground hydrogen storage in Aotearoa New Zealand

To mitigate climate change, Aotearoa New Zealand must transition from fossil fuels to zero-emission energy. Green hydrogen (H2), generated from excess renewable energy and stored in vast underground reservoirs will play an important role in enabling the scale of this transformation. Geostorage creates vast Pūhiko Nukutū (Earth batteries) for energy supply, charging up with hydrogen when intermittent renewables are in surplus, and discharging when needed.​

Our research will fill mātauranga and science knowledge gaps regarding hydrogen geostorage in depleted gas fields and sedimentary rocks.

Green hydrogen geostorage system

Green hydrogen geostorage system

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